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Cornell University

Welcome to the Weill Institute

Weill Institute Retreat August 2024 - Geneva, NY

Welcome to the Weill Institute for Cell & Molecular Biology at Cornell University. Since 2008, The Weill Institute has thrived as an interdisciplinary hub of life science research at Cornell. Our faculty perform cutting edge cell biological research, from basic molecular mechanisms to human diseases. We bring together faculty, students, and postdocs from outstanding programs across campus in research areas that might not otherwise engage in crosstalk. From Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Computational Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Genetics, to Plant Biology; we seek to provide an environment that encourages cutting-edge research and the transfer of ideas and technology.

An interdisciplinary team of Cornell researchers, including Weill Institute faculty member Adrienne Roeder, is developing HelioSkin, an aesthetically appealing solar-collection fabric that is inspired by the biological mechanisms that enable plants to bend toward the...

February 20, 2025

Brian Crane, the George W. and Grace L. Todd Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been appointed director of the Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology, an interdisciplinary hub for life sciences research at Cornell. Crane brings to the institute decades of experience studying the structure, function and mechanism of the protein systems...

February 12, 2025

As muscles age, their cells lose the ability to regenerate and heal after injury. Cornell Engineering researchers have created the most comprehensive portrait to date of how that change, in mice, unfolds over time and across the complicated architecture of muscle tissue. “The fundamental question that drove the initial study was really a question that had perplexed the skeletal muscle biology...

December 2, 2024

The Weill Institute has awarded Postdoctoral researcher Si Chen the 2024 Sam and Nancy Fleming Research Fellowship. This prestigious three-year fellowship supports talented young researchers who are doing cutting-edge research in basic biomedical sciences and are planning careers in biological or medical research. “The Fleming Fellowships provide exceptional young scientists the support and...

November 25, 2024

A new tool, called PIONEER, harnesses the power of AI and deep machine learning models to solve and predict how human proteins might interface and interact with other proteins. The tool can greatly accelerate fundamental research, clinical precision medicine and the development of therapies or the application of existing drugs to treat all types of disorders. “What we did here is solve...

November 25, 2024

Led by Dapeng Xiong, Yunguang Qiu, Junfei Zhao, Yadi Zhou, and Dongjin Lee, the Yu lab and collaborators have published an article in Nature Biotechnology that presents an ensemble deep learning framework, termed PIONEER (Protein–protein InteractiOn iNtErfacE pRediction), that predicts protein-binding partner-specific interfaces for all known protein interactions in humans, and seven other...

November 24, 2024

Core Values

World-class research requires a mind open to new ideas and discoveries. The drive to discover and to create lives in each of us. The Weill Institute is committed to a diverse and inclusive community with the highest level of integrity and professional standards. We desire to promote a positive, equitable and creative environment, including freedom from harassment and discrimination. These commitments reflect our institutional values. We work to adhere to them through our policies, employment and management practices.

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