The Weill Institute Diversity Council will meet on Monday, February 10th at noon in room 421. ALL INSTITUTE MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! Lunch will be provided. Join our Slack group to stay up to date with all of the DEI council happenings! Join by attending a council meeting or emailing Michelle...
The R3 group is composed of Cornell scientists interested in mechanisms of DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination in various organisms. Group meetings are held the second Monday of every month. On February 10th, the R3 group will welcome both the Smolka lab and the Schimenti Lab. The meeting this month will be held in Biotech G-01 from 9.30 to 10.30 AM. We hope to see you...
Pharmacological Adaptation of Proteostasis to Ameliorate Aging-associated Degenerative Diseases The cellular protein homeostasis, or proteostasis, network regulates proteome function by controlling ribosomal protein synthesis, chaperone- and chaperonin-mediated protein folding, protein trafficking, proteasome and lysosomal protein degradation, and related processes. Stress-responsive signaling pathways match proteostasis network capacity with demand in each subcellular compartment to maintain or alter cellular homeostasis. The beginning of the seminar will focus on how a protein homeostatic deficiency leading to organ system degeneration in a spectrum of aging-associated amyloid diseases can be stopped or slowed utilizing small molecule kinetic stabilizers–a pharmacological approach to...
Join your Weill Institute colleagues on Thursday, February 20th in the 4th floor atrium to take a break from the bench and connect over food, drinks, games, and conversation. Say hello to someone new! Learn about the science happening around you! Have...
The Microbiome Supergroup meets monthly on Wednesdays at 3:00pm in Weill 224, led by Prof. Liz Johnson, and Prof. Ilana Brito. To receive announcements about this groups meetings by email, subscribe to the CIHMID email...
The R3 group is composed of Cornell scientists interested in mechanisms of DNA Replication, Repair and Recombination in various organisms. Group meetings are held the second Monday of every month. This month’s session will be hosted by the Smolka Lab, while featuring special guest speaker Dr. Danyal Ahsan from Weill Cornell Medicine. This meeting will take place at 9.30 to 10.30 AM, while the location will be announced later. Please stay tuned! We hope to see you...
The Weill Institute Diversity Council will meet on Tuesday, March 11th at 1pm in room 421. ALL INSTITUTE MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! Lunch will be provided. Join our Slack group to stay up to date with all of the DEI council happenings! Join by attending a council meeting or emailing Michelle...
The Weill Institute Diversity Council will meet on Wednesday, April 9th at 1PM in room 421. ALL INSTITUTE MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! Lunch will be provided. Join our Slack group to stay up to date with all of the DEI council happenings! Join by attending a council meeting or emailing Michelle...
The Weill Institute Diversity Council will meet on Tuesday, May 6th at noon in room 421. ALL INSTITUTE MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! Lunch will be provided. Join our Slack group to stay up to date with all of the DEI council happenings! Join by attending a council meeting or emailing Michelle...