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Cornell University

Recent Institute Publications


Yang, C., Lee, G.B., Hao, L., Hu, F. TMEM106B deficiency leads to alterations in lipid metabolism and obesity in the TDP-43Q331K knock-in mouse model. Commun Bio. (Feb 2025)

Comstock, W.J., Bhattari, S., Sanford, E.J., Navarro, M.V.A.S., Smolka, M.B. Profiling Tel1 signaling reveals a non-canonical motif targeting DNA repair and telomere control machineries. J Biol Chem. (Jan 2025)

Chen, P.B., Li, X.L., Baskin, J.M. Synthetic Lipid Biology. Chem Rev. (Jan 2025)

Zhang, Y., Leung, A.K., Kang, J.J., Sun, Y., Wu, G., Li, L., Sun, J., Cheng, L., Qiu, T., Zhang, J., Wierbowski, S.D., Gupta, S., Booth, J.G., Yu, H. A multiscale functional map of somatic mutations in cancer integrating protein structure and network topology. Nat Com. (Jan 2025)


Feathers, J.R., Vignogna, R.C., Fromme, J.C. Structural basis for Rab6 activation by the Ric1-Rgp1 complex. Nat Comm. (Dec 2024)

Yang, C., Leifer, C., Lammerding, J., Hu, F. Regulation of TAR DNA binding protein 43 (TDP-43) homeostasis by cytosolic DNA accumulation. J Bio Chem. (Dec 2024)

Xiong, D., Qui, Y., Zhao J., Zhou, Y., Lee, D., Gupta, S., Torres, M., Lu, W., Liang, S., Kang, J.J., Eng, C., Loscalzo, J., Cheng, F., Yu, H. A structurally informed human protein-protein interactome reveals proteome-wide perturbations caused by disease mutations. Nat Biotechnol. (Oct. 2024)

Zawistowski, R., Crane, B. Differential Responses in the Core Active Site and Peripheral Regions of Cytochrome c Peroxidase to Extreme Pressure and Temperature. J. Mol. Bio. (Nov. 2024)

Chen, X., Perry, S., Fan, Z., Wang, B., Loxterkamp, E., Wang, S., Hu, J., Dickman, D., Han, C. Tissue-specific knockout in the Drosophila neuromuscular system reveals ESCRT’s role in formation of synapse-derived extracellular vesicles. PLOS Genetics. (Oct. 2024)

Burda, I., Brauns, F., Clark, F.K., Li, C.B., Roeder, A.H.K. Robust organ size in Arabidopsis is primarily governed by cell growth rather than cell division patterns. Development. (Oct. 2024)

Kong, S., Mingyuan, Z., Scarpin Regina M., Pan, D. Longfei, J. Martinez E. R., Alamos, S., Vadde, B.V.L., Garcia, H.G., Qian, S., Brunkard, J., Roeder, A. DRMY1 promotes robust morphogenesis in Arabidopsis by sustaining the translation of cytokinin-signaling inhibitor proteins. Dev. Cell. (Sept, 2024)

Murtha, A.N., Kazi, M.I., Kim, E.Y., Torres, F.V., Rosch, K.M., Dörr, T. Multiple resistance factors collectively promote inoculum-dependent dynamic survival during antimicrobial peptide exposure in Enterobacter cloacae. PLOS Pathogens. (Aug 2024)

Cao, X., Huang, S., Wagner, M.M., Cho, Y.T., Chiu, D.C., Wartchow, K.M., Lazarian, A., McIntire, L.B., Smolka, M.B., Baskin, J.M. A phosphorylation-controlled switch confers cell cycle-dependent protein relocalization. Nat Cell Bio. (Aug 2024)

Xu, Y., Wang, B., Bush, I., Saunders, H.A., Wildonger, J., Han, C. In vivo optogenetic manipulations of endogenous proteins reveal spatiotemporal roles of microtubule and kinesin in dendrite patterning. Sci Advances. (Aug 2024)

Wan, M., Minelli, M.E., Zhao, Q., Marshall, S., Yu, H., Smolka, M.B., Mao, Y. Phosphoribosyl modification of poly-ubiquitin chains at the Legionella-containing vacuole prohibiting autophagy adaptor recognition. Nat Commun. (Aug 2024)

Xu, Y., Bush, I., Han, C. Visualizing and Measuring Dendrite Arborization in Drosophila Somatosensory Neurons. Methods in Mol Bio. (Aug 2024)

Odell, J., Lammerding, J. N-terminal tags impair the ability of lamin A to provide structural support to the nucleus. J Cell Sci. (Aug 2024)

Marshall, S., Navarro, M.V.A.S., Ascenção, C.F.R., Dibitetto, D., Smolka, M.B. In-depth mapping of DNA-PKcs signaling uncovers noncanonical features of its kinase specificity. J Biol Chem. (Aug 2024)

Luan, L., Liang, D., Chiu, D.C., Tei, R., Baskin, J.M. Imaging Interorganelle Phospholipid Transport by Extended Synaptotagmins Using Bioorthogonally Tagged Lipids. ACS Chem Biol. (July 2024)

Kong, S., Zhu, M., Pan, D., Lane, B., Smith, R.S., Roeder, A.H.K. Tradeoff between speed and robustness in primordium initiation mediated by auxin-CUC1 interaction. Nat Comm. (July 2024)

Kong, S., Zhu, M., Roeder, A.H.K. Self-organization underlies developmental robustness in plants. Cells & Dev. (June 2024)

Sun, H., Shah, A.S., Chiu, D., Bonfini, A., Buchon, N., Baskin, J.M. Wnt/β-catenin signaling within multiple cell types dependent upon kramer regulates Drosophila intestinal stem cell proliferation. iScience. (June 2024)

Xie, B., Sanford, E.J., Hung, S.H., Wagner, M., Heyer, W.D., Smolka, M.B. Multi-step control of homologous recombination via Mec1/ATR suppresses chromosomal rearrangements. EMBO J. (June 2024)

Keys, J., Cheung, B.C.H., Elpers, M.A., Wu, M., Lammerding, J. Rear cortex contraction aids in nuclear transit during confined migration by increasing pressure in the cell posterior. J Cell Sci. (June 2024)

White-Maheiu, B.M., Baskin, J. Super-Resolution Imaging of Clickable Lipids With Lipid Expansion Microscopy (LExM). Curr Protoc. (May 2024)

Kirby, T.J., Zahr, H.C., Fong, E.H.H., Lammerding, J. Eliminating elevated p53 signaling fails to rescue skeletal muscle defects or extend survival in lamin A/C-deficient mice. Cell Death Discov. (May 2024)

Obando, M.A., Rey-Varela, D., Cava, F., Dörr, T. Genetic interaction mapping reveals functional relationships between peptidoglycan endopeptidases and carboxypeptidases. PLOS Genetics. (April 2024)

Feng T, Du H, Yang C, Hu F. Loss of TMEM106B exacerbates Tau pathology and neurodegeneration in PS19 mice. Acta Neuropathologica. (March 2024)

Brownfield, B.A., Richardson, B.C., Halaby, S.L., Fromme J.C. Sec7 regulatory domains scaffold autoinhibited and active conformations. PNAS. (March 2024)

Ascenção, C., Sims, J.R., Dziubek, A., Comstock, W., Fogarty, E.A., Badar, J., Freire, R., Grimson, A., Weiss, R.S., Cohen, P.E., Smolka, M.B. A TOPBP1 allele causing male infertility uncouples XY silencing dynamics from sex body formation. eLife. (Feb 2024)

Suzuki, S.W., West, M., Zhang, Y., Fan, J.S., Roberts, R.T., Odorizzi, G., Emr S.D A role for Vps13-mediated lipid transfer at the ER–endosome contact site in ESCRT-mediated sorting. JCB. (Feb 2024)

Li, X., Tei, R., Uematsu, M., Baskin, J.M. Ultralow Background Membrane Editors for Spatiotemporal Control of Phosphatidic Acid Metabolism and Signaling. ACS Central Science. (Jan 2024)

Yang, C., Liu, Y., Hu, F IκB kinase thwarts aggregation: Phosphorylating TDP-43 for degradation. JCB. (Jan 2024)

Lombardo, A.T., Mitchell, C.A.R., Zaman, R., McDermitt, D.J., Bretscher, A ARHGAP18-ezrin functions as an autoregulatory module for RhoA in the assembly of distinct actin-based structures. Cell Bio. (Jan 2024)


Odell, J. Gräf, R., Lammerding, J Heterologous expression of Dictyostelium discoideum NE81 in mouse embryo fibroblasts reveals conserved mechanoprotective roles of lamins. Mol Bio of the Cell. (Dec 2023)

Burda, I., Martin, A.C., Roeder, A.H.K The dynamics and biophysics of shape formation: Common themes in plant and animal morphogenesis. Dev Cell. (Dec 2023)

Keller, M.R., Dörr, T Chapter Four – Bacterial metabolism and susceptibility to cell wall-active antibiotics. Adv in Microbial Phys. (Dec 2023)

Odell, J., Lammerding, J Lamins as structural nuclear elements through evolution. Curr Op in Cell Bio. (Dec 2023)

Wallace, M., Zahr, H., Perati, S., Morsink, C.D., Johnson, L.E., Gacita, A.M., Lai, S., Wallrath, L.L., Benjamin, I.J., McNally, E.M., Kirby, T.J., Lammerding J Nuclear damage in LMNA mutant iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes is associated with impaired lamin localization to the nuclear envelope. Mol Bio of the Cell. (Oct 2023)

Ji, H., Han, C Constructing by disposing: Regulation of neuronal morphogenesis by phagocytosis. Wiring the Nervous System: Mechanisms of Axonal and Dendritic Remodelling in Health and Disease. (Oct 2023)

Manzer, K.M., Fromme, J.C The Arf-GAP Age2 localizes to the late-Golgi via a conserved amphipathic helix. Mol Bio of the Cell. (Oct 2023)

Cammarata, J., Roeder, A. Scanlon, M The ratio of auxin to cytokinin controls leaf development and meristem initiation in Physcomitrium patens. Journal of Experimental Botany. (July 2023)

Feng, T., Minevich, G., Liu, P., Qin, H.X., Wozniak, G., Pham, J., Pham, K., Korgaonkar, A., Kurnellas, M., Defranoux, N.A., Long, H., Mitra, A., Hu, F AAV-GRN partially corrects motor deficits and ALS/FTLD-related pathology in Tmem106b−/−Grn−/− mice. iScience. (July 2023)

Ho, B., Sanford, E.J., Loll-Krippleber, R., Torres, N.P., Smolka, M.B., Brown, G.W Mec1-independent activation of the Rad53 checkpoint kinase revealed by quantitative analysis of protein localization dynamics. Elife. (June 2023)

Ji, H., Wang, B., Shen, Y., Labib, D., Lei, J., Chen, X., Sapar, M., Boulanger, A., Dura, J.M., Han, C The Drosophila chemokine-like Orion bridges phosphatidylserine and Draper in phagocytosis of neurons. PNAS. (June 2023)

Tei, R., Bagde, S.R., Fromme, J.C., Baskin, J.M Activity-based directed evolution of a membrane editor in mammalian cells. Nat Chem. (May 2023)

Zhang, T., Pang, W., Feng, T., Guo, J., Wu, K., Nunez Santos, M., Arthanarisami, A., Nana, A.L., Nguyen, Q., Kim, P.J., Jankowsky, J.L., Seeley, W.W., Hu, F TMEM106B regulates microglial proliferation and survival in response to demyelination. Sci Adv. (May 2023)

Pang, W., Hu, F C9ORF72 suppresses JAK-STAT mediated inflammation. iScience. (May 2023)

Zhang, T., Feng, T., Wu, K., Guo, J., Nana, A.L., Yang, G., Seeley, W.W., Hu, F Progranulin deficiency results in sex-dependent alterations in microglia in response to demyelination. Acta Neuropathologica. (Apr 2023)

Doerr, T Cleave a Septum, Leave a Cell: Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus Secretes a Specialized Lytic Transglycosylase to Clear Prey Cell Septum Obstruction. Bacteriology (April 2023)

Weaver, A., Taguchi, A., Dörr, T Masters of misdirection: Peptidoglycan glycosidases in bacterial growth. Bacteriology. (Feb 2023)

Hong, L., Rusnak, B., Ko, C.S., Xu, S., He, X., Qiu, D., Kang, S.E., Pruneda-Paz, J.L., Roeder, A.H.K Enhancer activation via TCP and HD-ZIP and repression by Dof transcription factors mediate giant cell-specific expression. Plant Cell (Feb 2023)

Harline, K., Roeder, A.H.K An optimized pipeline for live imaging whole Arabidopsis leaves at cellular resolution. Plant Methods (Feb 2023)

Keller, M., Han, X., Dörr, T Disrupting Central Carbon Metabolism Increases β-Lactam Antibiotic Susceptibility in Vibrio cholerae. J Bacteriology (Feb 2023)

Keller, M., Dörr, T Bacterial metabolism and susceptibility to cell wall-active antibiotics. Adv Microbial Physiology (Jan 2023)

Karuparti, S., Yeung, A.T., Wang, B., Guicardi, P.F., Han, C A toolkit for converting Gal4 into LexA and Flippase transgenes in Drosophila. G3 (Jan 2023)

Dörr, T Bacterial physiology: A novel periplasmic glucan promotes cell envelope stress management. Current Bio (Jan 2023)

Melanie, W., Fedorchak, G.R., Agrawal, R., Gilbert, R.M., Patel, J., Park, S., Paszek, M., Lammerding, J The lamin A/C Ig-fold undergoes cell density-dependent changes that alter epitope binding. Nucleus (Jan 2023)


Muccini, A., Fromme, J.C Structural basis for the activation of Arf1 at the Golgi complex by its GEF Gea2. Biochem & Mol Bio (May 2022)

Manzer, K., Fromme, J.C Filling in the GAPs-Mapping the Spatiotemporal Kinetics of Arf1 and its Regulators. Biochem & Mol Bio (May 2022)

Brownfield, B.A., Fromme, J.C. Auto-inhibitory interactions of Sec7, master regulator of the Golgi complex. Biochem & Mol Bio (May 2022)

Sanford, E.J., Smolka, M. B. A field guide to the proteomics of post-translational modifications in DNA repair. Proteomics. (Aug 2022)

Gingras, R.M., Sulpizio, A.M., Park, J., Bretscher, A. High-resolution secretory timeline from vesicle formation at the Golgi to fusion at the plasma membrane in S. cerevisiae. eLife (Nov 2022)

Chiu, D., Baskin, J. Organelle-Selective Membrane Labeling through Phospholipase D-Mediated Transphosphatidylation. JACS Au. (Nov 2022)

Bagde, S.R., Fromme, J.C. The TRAPP complexes: discriminating GTPases in context. FEBS Letters. (Dec 2022)

Lammerding, J., Engler, A.J., Kamm, R. Mechanobiology of the cell nucleus. APL BioEngineering. (Dec 2022)

Mehl, J.L., Earle, A., Lammerding, J., Mhlanga, M., Vogel, V., Jain, N. Blockage of lamin-A/C loss diminishes the pro-inflammatory macrophage response. iScience. (Dec 2022)

Zuela-Sopilniak, N., Lammerding, J. Can’t handle the stress? Mechanobiology and disease. Trends in Mol. Med. (July 2022)

Sulpizio, A., Herpin, L., Gingras, R., Liu, W., Bretscher. A. Generation and characterization of conditional yeast mutants affecting each of the 2 essential functions of the scaffolding proteins Boi1/2 and Bem1. G3 Genes/Genomes/Genetics. (October 2022)

Chiu, D.C., Baskin, B.M. Imaging and Editing the Phospholipidome. Accounts of Chem Res. (November 2022)

Huang, S.Y., Baskin, J.M. Adding a Chemical Biology Twist to CRISPR Screening. Israel J of Chem. (October 2022)

White, B.M., Kumar, P., Conwell, A.N., Wu, K., Baskin, J.M. Lipid Expansion Microscopy. J Am Chem Soc. (October 2022)

Dibitetto, D., Marshall, S., Sanchi, A., Liptay, M., Badar, J., Lopes, M., Rottenberg, S., Smolka, M.B. DNA-PKcs promotes fork reversal and chemoresistance. Mol Cell. (September 2022)

Hsia, C.R., McAllister, J., Hasan, O., Judd, J., Seoyeon, L., Agrawal, R., Chang, C.Y., Soloway, P., Lammerding, J. Confined migration induces heterochromatin formation and alters chromatin accessibility. iScience. (September 2022)

Santos, M.N., Paushter, D.H., Zhang, T., Wu, X., Feng, T., Lou, J., Du, H., Becker, S.M., Fragoza, R., Yu, H., Hu, F. Progranulin-derived granulin E and lysosome membrane protein CD68 interact to reciprocally regulate their protein homeostasis. J Bio Chem. (September 2022)

Leung, A.K-Y., Yao, L., Yu, H. Functional genomic assays to annotate enhancer-promoter interactions genome-wide. Hum Mol Genet. (August 2022)

Shaw, N.M., Rios-Monterrosa, J.L., Feorchak, G.R., Ketterer, M.R., Coombs, G.S., Lammerding, J., Wallrath, L.L. Effects of mutant lamins on nucleo-cytoskeletal coupling in Drosophila models of LMNA muscular dystrophy. Frontiers in Cell & Dev. Bio. (2022)

Bell, E.S., Shah, P., Zuela-Sopilniak, N., Kim, D., Varlet, A.A., Morival, J.L.P., McGregor, A.L., Isermann, P., Davidson, P.M., Elacqua, J.J., Lakins, J.N., Vahdat, L., Weaver, V.M., Smolka, M.B., Span, P.N., Lammerding, J. Low lamin A levels enhance confined cell migration and metastatic capacity in breast cancer. Oncogene. (2022)

Cao, X., Shah, A.S., Sanford, E.J., Smolka, M.B., Baskin, J.M. Proximity Labeling Reveals Spatial Regulation of the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome by a Microtubule Adaptor. ACS Chem Bio. (2022)

Suzuki, S.W., Emr, S.D. Immunoisolation of endosomal recycling vesicles from Saccaromyces cerevisiae. Bio-Protocol. (2022)

Yu, W., Baskin, J.M., Photoaffinity labeling approaches to elucidate lipid–protein interactions. Cur Op Chem Bio. (2022)

Zhu, L., Zhang, Q., Cordiero, C.D., Banjade, S., Sardana, R., Mao, Y., Emr, S. Adaptor linked K63 di-Ubiquitin activates Nedd4/Rsp5 E3 ligase. eLife. (2022)

Islam, N., Kazi, M.I., Kang, K.N., Biboy, J., Gray, J., Ahmed, F., Schargel, R.D., Boutte, C.C., Dörr, T., Vollmer, W., Boll, J.M. Peptidoglycan Recycling Promotes Outer Membrane Integrity and Carbapenem Tolerance in Acinetobacter baumannii. MBIO. (2022)

Du, H., Zhou, X.L., Feng, T.C., Hu, F.H. Regulation of lysosomal trafficking of progranulin by sortilin and prosaposin. Brain Comm. (2022)

Suzuki, S., Emr. S.D. Immunoisolation of endosomal recycling vesicles from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bio-protocol. (2022)

Murtha, A.N., Kazi, M.I., Schargel, R.D., Cross, T., Fihn, C., Cattoir, V., Carlson, E.E., Boll, J.M., Dorr, T. High-level carbapenem tolerance requires antibiotic-induced outer membrane modifications. PLOS Pathogens. (2022)

Caballero, M., Ge, T., … Smolka, M,. et. al. Comprehensive analysis of DNA replication timing across 184 cell lines suggests a role for MCM10 in replication timing regulation. Human Mol Gen. (2022)

Kalukula, Y., Stephens, A.D., Lammerding, J., Gabriele, S. Mechanics and functional consequences of nuclear deformations. Nature Rev Mol Cell Bio. (2022)

Cao, X., Baskin, J. Phosphoinositide phosphorylation sans kinase. Nature Cell Bio. (2022)

O’Leary, M.K., Sundaram, V., LiPuma, J.J., Dörr, T., Westblade, L.F., Alabi, C.A. Mechanism of Action and Resistance Evasion of an Antimicrobial Oligomer against Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria. ACS Applied Bio. Materials. (2022)

Ghosh, S., Mohamed, Z., Shin, J.H., Naser, S.F.B.E., Bali, K., Dörr, T., Owens, R.M., Salleo, A., Daniel, S. Impedance sensing of antibiotic interactions with a pathogenic E. coli outer membrane supported bilayer. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. (2022)

Yuan, Q., Han, C., Soba, P. Editorial: Connecting Form and Function: Recent Advances in Understanding Dendrite Morphogenesis and Plasticity. Front. Cell. Neurosci. (2022)

Tei, R., Baskin, J.M. Click chemistry and optogenetic approaches to visualize and manipulate phosphatidic acid signaling. J. Bio. Chem. (2022)

Agrawal, R., Windsor, A., Lammerding, J. Assembly and Use of a Microfluidic Device to Study Nuclear Mechanobiology During Confined Migration. Methods in Mol. Bio. (2022)

Li, Y., Cross, T.S., Dörr, T. Analysis of AcrB in Klebsiella pneumoniae reveals natural variants promoting enhanced multidrug resistance. Res MicroBio. (2022)

Cammarata, J., Morales Farfan, C., Scanlon, M.J., Roeder, A.H.K. Cytokinin-CLAVATA cross-talk is an ancient mechanism regulating shoot meristem homeostasis in land plants. PNAS. (2022)

Banjade, S., Zhu, L., Jorgensen, J.R., Suzuki, S.W., Emr, S.D. Recruitment and organization of ESCRT-0 and ubiquitinated cargo via condensation. Sci Adv. (2022)

Lombardo, A.T., Zaman, R., McDermitt, D., Bretscher, A.P. Microvilli, myosin contractility and apical actin organization are regulated locally though ezrin bound gaps. Biophysical Journal. (2022)

Feng, T., Luan, L., Katz, I.I., Ullah, M., Van Deerlin, V.M., Trojanowski, J.Q., Lee, E.B., Hu, F. TMEM106B deficiency impairs cerebellar myelination and synaptic integrity with Purkinje cell loss. Acta Neuropathologica Comm. (2022)

Burda, I., Roeder, A.H.K. Stepping on the molecular brake: Slowing down proliferation to allow differentiation. Dev Cell. (2022)

Tollis S., Rizzotto A., Pham N.T., Koivukoski S., Sivakumar A., Shave S., Wildenhain J., Zuleger N., Keys J.T., Culley J., Zheng Y., Lammerding J. Chemical Interrogation of Nuclear Size Identifies Compounds with Cancer Cell Line-Specific Effects on Migration and Invasion. ACS Chem Bio. (2022)

Ji, H., Sapar, M.L., Sarkar, A., Han, C. Phagocytosis and self-destruction break down dendrites of Drosophila sensory neurons at distinct steps of Wallerian degeneration. PNAS. (2022)

Pereira, C., Arroyo-Martinez, G.A., Guo, M.Z., Downey, M.S., Kelly, E.R., Grive, K.J., Mahadevaiah, S.K., Sims, J.R., Faca, V.M., Tsai, C., Schiltz, C.J., Wit, N., Jacobs, H., Clark, N.L., Freire, R., Turner, J., Lyndaker, A.M. Brieno-Enriquez, M.A., Cohen, P.E., Smolka, M.B., Weiss, R.S. Multiple 9-1-1 complexes promote homolog synapsis, DSB repair, and ATR signaling during mammalian meiosis. eLife. (2022)

O’Leary M.K., Sundaram V., Lipuma J.J., Dörr T., Westblade L.F., Alabi C.A. Mechanism of Action and Resistance Evasion of an Antimicrobial Oligomer against Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria. ACS Applied Bio Materials. (2022)

Sims, J.R., Faça, V.M., Pereira, C., Ascenção, C., Comstock, W., Badar, J., Arroyo-Martinez, G.A., Freire, R., Cohen, P.E., Weiss, R.E., Smolka, M.B. Phosphoproteomics of ATR signaling in mouse testes. Biochem and Chem Bio. (2022)

Ghosh S., Mohamed Z., Shin J.-H., Bint E Naser S.F., Bali K., Dörr T., Owens R.M., Salleo A., Daniel S.  Impedance sensing of antibiotic interactions with a pathogenic E. coli outer membrane supported bilayer. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. (2022)

Zhang, T., Du, H., Nunez Santos, M., Wu, X., Pagan, M.D., Jillian Trigiani, L., Nishimura, N., Reinheckel, T., Hu, F.  Differential regulation of progranulin derived granulin peptides. Molecular Degeneration. (2022)

Weaver A., Alvarez L., Rosch K., Ahmed A., Wang G., Van Nieuwenhze M., Cava F., Dörr T. Lytic transglycosylases mitigate periplasmic crowding by degrading soluble cell wall turnover products. eLife. (2022)

Roeder, A.H.K., Otegui, M.S., Dixit, R., Anderson, C.T., Faulkner, C. Zhang, Y., Harrison, M.J., Kirchhelle, C., Goshima, G., Coate, J.E., Doyle, J.J., Hamant, O., Sugimoto, K., Dolan, L., Meyer, H., Ehrhardt, D.W., Boudaoud, A., Messina, C. Fifteen compelling open questions in plant cell biology. Plant Cell. (2022)

Weijers D., Bezanilla M., Jiang L., Roeder A.H.K., Williams M. Back to the roots: A focus on plant cell biology. Plant Cell. (2022)

Miller M.R., McDermitt D.J., Sauvanet C., Lombardo A.T., Zaman R., Bretscher A. The RabGAPs EPI64A and EPI64B regulate the apical structure of epithelial cells. Mol Bio Cell. (2022)

Liang D., Cheloha R.W., Watanabe T., Gardella T.J., Baskin J.M. Activity-based, bioorthogonal imaging of phospholipase D reveals spatiotemporal dynamics of GPCR-Gq signaling. Cell Chem Bio. (2022)

Roeder, A.H.K. Interview with Adrienne Roeder. Trends in Plant Sci. (2022)

Batrouni, A.G., Bag, N., Phan, H.T., Baird, B.A., Baskin, J.M. A palmitoylation code controls PI4KIIIα complex formation and PI(4,5)P2 homeostasis at the plasma membrane. J Cell Sci. (2022)

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